• Marble Kitchen Worktops from J&R Marble
  • Granite Kitchen Worktops from J&R Marble
  • Marble Floors from J&R Marble
  • Marble Bathrooms from J&R Marble
  • Marble Maintenance from J&R Marble

Contact Us

You are welcome to visit the factory to view the showroom and to view and select the material in slab form. Samples can be collected on request. A free quotation is also available.
*Your Name:

*Your E-mail Address:

Your Phone No.:

Your Address:

*Enquiries and Comments:

J & R Marble Company Ltd

Unit 9, Period Works,
1 Lammas Road, Leyton,
London E10 7QT

t: 020-8539-6471

e: sales@jrmarble.co.uk

Opening Hours

Monday to

Saturday By Appointment only
7am to 4.30pm

7am to 4.00pm
Sunday & Bank Holidays CLOSED
